About us
About Us
Borderless & Experiential Learning, by design
SeTs is...
Teaching, security management, and criminology are by definition, multi-disciplinary studies as well illustrated by the Periodic Table of Security created by IFSEC Global. This broad work experience and extensive education and training provide a useful cross-fertilization of skills and knowledge with many insights that cannot be gained from expertise in any one discipline alone.
However, we do not stop with academic theory, but, combine it with practical and functional education and training in personal protection (self-defence, personal security & risk management) skills, physical fitness, strength, and mobility (Parkour) training. These are, or can be integrated to create truly innovative and Dynamic Education and Physical Training programmes.
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As it is below, so it is above
Cross-disciplinary study has both horizontal and vertical dimensions. The ability to link and present the various skills and disciplines within a coherent framework guided by consistent principles and concepts at all levels of application, no matter the context, is an invaluable skill that enhances non-linear (out of the box) thinking. Good critical thinking is more than just criticising or trying to disprove a hypothesis. It is about reflective, analytical, diagnostic and synergistic mind skills and tools.
The training provides benefits far beyond the traditional borders of basic physical education or security provision, such as staff morale and effectiveness (i.e. savings in operating costs and labour turnover), customer satisfaction and third-party security / public relations, where customers and other associates or affected persons are concerned.
Backed by a philosophy of continuous learning, research, and development, this holistic approach allows us to bridge the gap between knowledge silos for a truly borderless learning experience, yet ease and speed your learning with experiential learning programmes tailored to your needs.
Cross-disciplinary Education, Qualifications & Work Experience
Our Instructor qualifications include vocational teacher (Lecturer) in higher-education for security and, business organization topics, based on an M.Sc. in Security and Risk Management, the IFPO Certified Protection Officer certificate, NLP Master Practitioner certificate, and for many years the local Finnish state qualifications and work experience as public order/door supervisors (Järjestyksenvalvoja/portsari) and security guard/retail (vartija/vahtimestari), with use of force rights. We are also qualified Parkour instructors and Authorised Personal Trainers (APT) for physical fitness, strength and mobility.
Our self-defence training and personal security teaching experience is extensive, since 1982. That's over 35 years of training and 30 years of teaching experience with the foundation and teaching of 5 clubs since 1987, the latest one being the Espoon Lii-Kan Jitsu Club Ry, founded in 2018. We are as accustomed to teaching children as we are adults, and have conducted many successful demos, courses and dynamic physical education classes for schools.
Partners, Collaborators & Sponsors
Self-defense &
Personal Security System
Liikan Jitsu is self-defense, conflict intervention, and management for an all-around personal protection and security system.
Lii-Kan Jitsu is based on Shorinjitsu ((Jiu Jitsu + Shorinji Kempo) augmented with knowledge and skills from other martial arts, Parkour, NLP, security, and risk management.
The Lii-Kan Jitsu club is based in the Greater Helsinki area of Finland.
Style Dance Industry
Style Dance Industry (SDI)
is a creative dance association that specializes in street dance / hip hop and Irish dance, and producing dance films.
SDI is a non-profit association that aims to promote good health and purposeful life through cultural arts.
SDI also holds dance classes in lower schools and reaches out more to the local youth through dance.
Klikkaus Entertainment Group
Klikkaus Entertainment Group (KEG) is a Helsinki-based, ​customized digital entertainment company.
KEG provides creative content development services spanning film production, digital education, technology and support. Their networks cover EU, Americas, Asia, and Australia.
Projects include an innovative and revolutionary online platform for the film industry, film and dance festivals.
Professional Association Memberships

European Register of Exercise Professionals
EREPS is a fully independent register of instructors, trainers and teachers working in the European fitness and physical activity sector.
EREPS recognises the qualifications and skills of fitness professionals, as an important assurance for consumers and employers

Finnish Parkour Association
The Finnish Parkour association consists of personal members and organizational members. They organize various events and instructor training courses, and will be responsible for the national teams going to the Paris Olympics for the first time in 2024. Both SeTs ry and its instructors are members of the association from which they gained their instructor certifications.
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Finnish Football Association
The Finnish Football Association that organises the football leagues and clubs and is responsible for the national football team. All club coaches are registered with them and coach training courses are organised. SeTs ry instructors are registered members through coaching work for VJS.
Finnish Security Association
Finnsecurity ry is a registered security association in Finland. Finnsecurity's main goal is to raise security field's respect and develop its operation opportunities. Finnsecurity's aim is also to strengthen its members' professional knowledge and make it easier for the members to co-operate with others. Finnsecurity ry has private members, legal members and community members.