Fitness, Attributes & Strength Training
Personal Trainer (APT) Services for individuals, couples (duo), and small groups (3-12) that want to ensure effective and safe training through correct technique and professional programming. Workouts may be personalized or, standard fitness presets, and concept-based programmes that combine aspects of both Fitness and Street Art/Sports programmes for a fun, dynamic, and functional training experience.
We primarily work on-line via our Training On-Line (ToL) website, to which you can log in via the link below once you have received your account details from us.
However, regular PT and Coaching services are also available on-site if reasonably local. Our current default training halls can be found on the locations map on the Contact us page. Other local municipal centers in Espoo, Vantaa and Helsinki, for example, Myyrmäki, Leppävaara, Espoo Keskus, and even Töölön Kisahalli in Helsinki, are all fit for personal functional fitness training.
If you are already a member of another nearby gym, then we can still join you there on the normal single ticket entrance fee, or other arrangements made with the gym. We can also come to your home, make use of the community room in your apartment block, or train outdoors (weather permitting).

Training without Frontiers, Collaboration without Tears. It's a Mind SeT!
In English, there is a saying:-
“Sound in body, sound in mind”
However, We believe that we need to train the mind as much as the body to ensure both effective and safe training. The two go hand-in-hand and in my experience ‘Borderless & Experiential Learning’ is essential for ‘Life-Long Learning’, fitness, and health. If we follow this path, then ‘Age is but a number!’
Our instructors are versatile and creative with a long history of practising and coaching children and adults in sports and activities ranging from racquet-ball sports such as Squash to Parkour and self-defence (5 of my own clubs since 1987). We draw on all of this experience to create training programmes based on Street Arts & Fitness Education/Exercise (SAFE) concepts that combine strength/power and fitness training with functional skills such as self-defence, Parkour, and, even some street dancing skills.
As an independent and Authorised Personal Trainer (APT), you can currently find us working via our on-line training platform, or at arranged locations, indoors or outdoors, weather and diseases permitting.