Street Arts & Sports

Street Arts, Sports and Functional Exercise
"Do you want to know who you are?
Don't ask, ACT! Action will define you"
Thomas Jefferson

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Street Arts & Sport Training Programmes
SeTs greatest strengths lay in the ability to create hybrid programmes based on a fusion of the various sports, street arts and fitness exercise, interweaving them in a uniquely synergistic and collaborative way. It is the ability to coach and cross-train with these combined programmes that provide the greatest added value compared to ordinary training programmes and classes. ​ All of the programmes listed via the link below are based on a deep knowledge of martial arts, Parkour, Strength & Fitness training, both in terms of combative techniques and, security and risk management training.  These activity programmes (Zones) & their associated themed & concept-based functional fitness workouts are suitable for more sport/art specific training at three levels and for various focus points. The training programmes, based on a monthly subscription scheme, are accessible via the web and the mobile app which provides workout instructions so that you can work at your own pace, or, follow-along with the timed workout.  ​ Click on the hover buttons to choose a SAFE package to suit your needs & interests. COLLABORATIVE CONTENT CREATION: If you do not find the type of plan or feature you are looking/hoping for in the standard packs provided, please GET IN TOUCH so that we can add it to our ASAP to-do-list - just for you! Please note, this is not a personalized/customization service, but a way to guide & prioritize our development efforts to meet your needs and requirements.
SeTS can provide both style-specific and dynamic hybrid physical education in the form of fitness, mobility (Parkour), self-defence and personal security management training for clubs, small study groups or those who want personalized coaching tailored to their needs, without the restriction of attending and conforming to a regular training class or classical training system. Basic training may be conducted in a purpose-built training environment or include outdoors and situational on-site training as required and facilities are available. Kyusho (vital point) Study Group training is restricted to private indoor training facilities for security and safety purposes. Meetups, classes and clubs currently running can be found in our upcoming events calendar. Whether you choose an online, or a hybrid plan, The training programmes are accessible via the web and the mobile app so that you can also practice in your own time. Click on the hover buttons to select what kind of CC services you are interested in, and which training plan suits your needs. Then consult with us  to make a Customer Training Agreement (CTA) and we will guide you through the remaining process from there. Collaborative Content Creation: If you do not find the type of plan or feature you are looking/hoping for in the standard packs provided, please GET IN TOUCH so that we can add it to our ASAP to-do-list - just for you! Please note, this is not a personalized/customization service, but a way to guide & prioritize our development efforts to meet your needs and requirements.
SAFE Action Camps
SeTs organizes variety of SAFE activity programmes and summer action camps for kids of all ages and sizes for summer holidays and half-term breaks. SAFE activity programmes include specialist education and training courses for security & self-defence, hybrid functional education programmes and general 'Dynamic Physical Education' suitable for school classes etc. Summer Action Camps are organized for school kids looking for some fun action during the summer holidays whilst giving their parents a much need break and reassurance that their kids are involved in some constructive activity rather than roaming the streets and getting into mischief. SAFE Action Camps can also be organized during the half-term breaks
User Groups, Webinars & Meetups
FACE User Group services are facilitated activities and user groups for Festivals, social learning Activities and meet-ups, Competitions and challenges, and other Events such as webinars, seminars & training workshops. We call them FACE groups. Some FACE services are already part of other training subscription features. If not, then they need to be subscribed for separately. You can also organise your own local meet ups to practice what you have been learning, for which we will support you in any way we can. Click on the hover buttons to select what kind of FACE services you are interested in, and which subscription plan suits your needs.
Hobby Cab
If you need ride to get your club or team to an event whether it be a meet up, seminar or competition, we can help you get good service and rates via our collaborative partner, Hobby Cab.
Just give us a call and we'll help arrange it for you.
SeTs Ryu is... 'Where action speaks louder than words'