When you visit or use our site, whether as a visitor or a site member, there are some essential terms of use of which you should be aware, as described in the section below, and on the complimentary page, Codes of Conduct' for members.
In cases not covered by the specific terms described below, all behaviour and conduct on this site is regulated by the general spirit and purpose of our organisation and its sites, and in no way should be hurtful or harmful to SeTs, or any of its site members, customers or other students.
Abuses and general misconduct always carry consequences, including possible legal prosecution and financial reparations.
If you respect us, we will respect you. As always, respect works both ways, or not at all.
Member and Third Party Representations
This site contains community areas for site members, customers of SeTs and other students registered in our training and education programmes and sites. These include discussion forums, and group areas for helping members and students/customers to share ideas, discuss and help each other for educational purposes.
We endeavor to promote and maintain high education standards of conduct and behaviour on this and any other of our sites and forums. To this end, we reserve all Rights of Admission (ROAR) to our sites and programmes for any reason we deem appropriate without explanation, and the right to expel offenders without refund.
However, the opinions of our site members, students, and customers are theirs, and theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of SeTs. We accept no responsibility or liability for the views of these people or any others visiting our site.
Intellectual Property Rights & Copyrights
All intellectual property rights and copyrights relating to all content created by SeTs are reserved, whether on this site, displayed elsewhere, or received in person. Including, but not limited to logos, images, trademarks, training programmes, their concepts and content, audio-visual (video) and document formats are reserved. The customer or any other user of SeTs services, whether a site or association member or, the general public customer may not copy, share, disseminate or, use for any purposes, competitive or otherwise, any materials received or acquired other than in accordance with an agreed and written Customer Agreement for education, training, and promotional purposes, unless expressly authorised to do so in writing. Damages and reparations for any breach of this non-disclosure and anti-competition agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with, Finnish law, excluding its rules for choice of law. It is association policy to prosecute offenders.